1.2: Terminology and Why It Happens
The Basics – Lesson 2 Terminology and Why It Happens previous lesson Welcome to The Picky Eating Playbook Next Module module 2: The 5 PDT Principles Transcript I describe food refusal and picky eating as two separate things. Although you may hear similar strategies, picky eating or selective eating can be harder to manage. In […]
3.1: Minimize Picky Eating – Part 1
Minimize Picky Eating Minimize Picky Eating (Part 1) previous module module 2: The 5 pdt principles Next Lesson Minimize Picky Eating (Part 2) Transcript Food refusal cannot be completely avoided. Selective eating cannot be completely avoided. Children will go through phases where their intake changes and their preferences change. So, it’s important to remember the […]
3.2: Minimize Picky Eating – Part 2
MINIMIZE PICKY EATING Minimize Picky Eating (Part 2) previous lesson Minimize Picky Eating (Part 1) Next Module module 4: Picky Eating Playbook Transcript In part 2 we are continuing to discuss ways to minimize picky eating before it begins. Make sure you watch Part 1 before this one if you haven’t already Treat meals like […]
4.1: Picky Eating Playbook – Part 1
Picky Eating Playbook Picky Eating Playbook (Part 1) previous module module 3: minimize picky eating Next Lesson Picky Eating Playbook (Part 2) Transcript In Module 3, we talked about setting the foundation to reduce food refusal and picky eating but even with all that – it can happen. Like I said, I want to manage […]
4.2: Picky Eating Playbook – Part 2
Picky Eating Playbook Picky Eating Playbook (Part 2) previous lesson picky eating playbook (part 1) Next Module Module 5: Special Situations Transcript Ok, so you’ve seen part one of the Picky eating playbook on how to encourage new foods – now let’s dive into the DON’TS As a reminder, don’t do the following with your […]
5.1: Food Throwing and Leaving the Table
Special Situations – lesson 1 Food Throwing and Leaving the Table previous module module 4: picky eating playbook Next Lesson Mealtime Meltdowns Transcript Your adorable child thinks that meal time has become too much fun and has started to throw food. I know it’s so frustrating… but keep in mind this throwing of food can […]
5.2: Mealtime Meltdowns
Special Situations – lesson 2 Mealtime Meltdowns previous lesson food throwing and leaving the table Next Lesson Child Who Refuses a Meal but Wants a Snack Transcript You followed everything I mentioned to the T and your child meltdowns at meal time. Let me tell you, it’s common and I want to normalize that our […]
5.3: The Child Who Refuses a Meal But Wants a Snack
Special Situations – lesson 3 The Child Who Refuses a Meal But Wants a Snack previous lesson Mealtime Meltdowns Next Module Wrap Up: Beyond The Course Transcript What if they refuse the meal and There is no meltdown? Ask yourself – Did you provide a safe food and did you limit pressure. If you did, […]
4.1: Picky Eating Playbook – Part 1
Picky Eating Playbook Picky Eating Playbook (Part 1) previous module module 3: minimize picky eating Next Lesson Picky Eating Playbook (Part 2) Transcript In Module 3, we talked about setting the foundation to reduce food refusal and picky eating but even with all that – it can happen. Like I said, I want to manage […]
4.2: Picky Eating Playbook – Part 2
Picky Eating Playbook Picky Eating Playbook (Part 2) previous lesson picky eating playbook (part 1) Next Module Module 5: Special Situations Transcript Ok, so you’ve seen part one of the Picky eating playbook on how to encourage new foods – now let’s dive into the DON’TS As a reminder, don’t do the following with your […]